G-Tour doo Međugorje;
JIB: 4227300700003;
PDV BR.: 227300700003;
fra Slavka Barbarića 34, 88266 Međugorje, Bosna i Hercegovina;
Transakcijski račun: 3381202201083757
Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar
Svrha doznake: Hodočašće
Plaćanje za hodočasnike iz Hrvatske i inozemstva uplatom za:
G-Tour Međugorje, d. o. o.
Fra Slavka Barbarića 34,
88266 Međugorje.
JIB: 4227300700003
Devizni račun (EUR) : 19001307101 S.W.I.F.T. UNCRBA22
Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar; IBAN: BA393380604802794216
Devizni račun (USD) : 19001307102; S.W.I.F.T. UNCRBA22
Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar; IBAN: BA393380604802794216
Naručeni proizvodi ili usluge plaćaju se online jednom od kreditnih kartica: Mastercard, Maestro ili Visa.

Tajnost Vaših podataka je zaštićena i osigurana uporabom SSL enkripcije. Stranice za naplatu putem interneta osigurane su korištenjem Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protokola sa 128-bitnom enkripcijom podataka. SSL enkripcija je postupak šifriranja podataka radi sprječavanja neovlaštenog pristupa prilikom njihovog prijenosa.
Time je omogućen siguran prijenos informacija te onemogućen nedozvoljen pristup podacima prilikom komunikacije između korisnikovog računala i WebPay servisa, te obratno.
WebPay servis i financijske ustanove razmjenjuju podatke uporabom virtualne privatne mreže (VPN), koja je zaštićena od neautoriziranog pristupa.
Monri Payment Gateway je certificiran prema PCI DSS Level 1 sigurnosnom standardu propisanom Visa i Mastercard pravilima.
Trgovac ne pohranjuje brojeve kreditnih kartica i brojevi nisu dostupni neovlaštenim osobama.
Confidentiality of your information is protected and secured by using SSL encryption. Pages for web payment are secured by using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit data encryption. SSL encryption is a data coding procedure for prevention of unauthorized access during data transfer.
This enables a secure data transfer and prevents unauthorized data access during communication between user and Monri WebPay Payment Gateway and vice versa.
Monri WebPay Payment Gateway and financial institutions exchange data by using their virtual private network (VPN) which is also protected from unauthorized access.
Monri Payments is PCI DSS Level 1 certified payment service provider.
Credit card numbers are not stored by Merchant and are not available to unauthorized personnel.
All payments will be affected in Croatian currency. The amount your credit card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Croatian Kuna according to the current exchange rate of the local Croatian National bank. When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our web site.
All payments will be affected in Croatian currency. The charged amount on your credit card account is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations.
G-Tour d.o.o. zadržava pravo na izmjenu ovih uvjeta i pravila. Kupac snosi odgovornost za točnost i potpunost unesenih podataka prilikom kupovine.
G-Tour d.o.o. također ne može garantirati da će usluga biti bez pogrešaka. Ukoliko dođe do pogreške, molimo Vas da je prijavite na e-mail info@gtour-medjugorje.com kako bismo je otklonili na najbrži mogući način.